I was inspired by the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie - particularly by Tia Dalma and her outfit. The end result is Pearl.
I mixed clay to get the right color (note to clay users - always mix MORE than you think you'll need! You'll never match it again!) I spent hours matching up fabrics. I ended up using five different fabrics in the entire outfit. I experimented with tea dying to try and get the right effect. I discovered that some fabrics have ink on them that won't dye. (back to the drawing board!) Her belt is made of real leather, decorated with bunka thread and holeless beads.
I used chenille embellishment threads for trim. Around her neck is an ancient shark tooth from Calvert Cliffs in Maryland. Her hair is made from embroidery floss. She has beads strung in her hair.
You'll have to pardon the cruddy camera work. She really looks awesome in person!