This is the first artisan doll I've purchased. She was created by Barb Rogers, a very sweet and talented lady. I first saw her when the artist shared her with the MSAT Doll List, and was highly impressed by the quality of the draping, the simplicity of the design, and the many details from the unusual hairpiece to the beautiful necklace. I particularly admired the wrappings on her arm. A simple technique, yet very effective! Barb also made the wire and glue flowers and the beautifully detailed bench. When I discovered she was up for auction on eBay, I made a reckless bid. And I won!
Barb described her as an Elf Princess. I found out why when she arrived. She's very demanding! She didnt like the little shelf I wanted her to stand on. It was too small. She wanted more room. On top of the dresser is all right, she supposes. But not directly on it. On a metal leaf? Oooh, all right. At least it defines "her" space. It's LONELY up here! What is she supposed to do all day? She wants handmaidens and ladies in waiting!
I had to agree with her there. Very well then. I sent Matilde to keep her company, but she was a bit old fashioned and matronly to the young, carefree princess. (I wisely kept my mouth shut about the age of elves compared to the age of humans!)

Fortunately, I knew of another young elf that was nearby. But would they be friends? This particular elf and I had struggled in the past, particularly over matters of wardrobe. When I found her, she was very listless and subdued. She was eager for a change - anything to be out in the open! Fortunately I found fabric in a lovely shade of green that complimented the hue of Aranel's gown, and we soon reached an agreement on Rána's new gown.
Rána shyly requested one more thing. A staff and a lantern. We discussed the possibilities of actually lighting the lantern. I had to gently tell her that fire was out of the question, no matter how small a flame. The staff was quickly created, but the lantern remained under discussion for quite some time. Finally, visit to a bead shop in Tyson's Corner revealed the perfect solution.
The time came to introduce the two elves. They were cordial and polite to each other, but I do believe Rána had been by herself for too long, and Aranel's personality was too brash. She saw the tiny shelf on the wall, admired it, and then proceeded to stay there. They are easily within calling distance of each other, and, I believe, quite content. Aranal is still insisting on Rána's lantern AND yet another elf companion. I do believe I shall be kept busy until both are finished.