Where Can I Buy . . .Every once in a while you need to buy something. Perhaps it's for a special event, or maybe some monster stole your equipment. You need to know where to go!
Where to Purchase . . .Mythril Armor Excellent Weaponry
The Forge Armory
The Troll Bragger Inn
Snowmen & Christmas Trees
Flowers, mirrors, wedding rings, gift boxes
Musical Intruments
Baldrics Knight of Duach - The Scimitar Tavern, 3 left, 2 Up from Arimathor Teleporter Knight of The Scepter - Valhalla Inn, 1 down from Asgard Teleporter Knight of Enid - Light in the Forest, 1 left, 2 down from Wen Teleporter.
Marvin's Magic Megastore This magic shop sells master and grandmaster spells, special magic items, and other fun stuff. It is located in the heart of the Labyrinth. Getting there can be a little tricky. Directions to the Labyrinth From East Leinster teleport: 14 right, 3 down Directions through the Labyrinth From Cave Entrance: 2 Left, take the stairs. Follow the dungeon as it winds Left and Up until you come to the second staircase (the one with a torch on the screen). Take the stairs.
*NOTE* Marvin does not sell mana. (directions from The Oracle - visit their web site at www.realmoracle.com