Movie Review: X-Men 3Been a while since I've done a movie review. I hate theaters more every time I go. It's not the audience - the audience was perfect. It's the ads. I feel like they're trying to brainwash me, and I find it insulting. Look at these happy people using our product! You won't be happy til you do, too. Turn off your cell phone. Look! these people ecstatic about OUR product! Turn off your cell phone. Drugs are bad! Try our product instead. Turn off your cell phone. Check out this movie ad! and this one! Now this one! Turn off your cell phone. We won't even discuss prices.
Anyway, movie. Not what I expected. Granted, I haven't watched the other two movies in a while and only have vague memories about what takes place. Alls I'll say is, stuff happens that I totally didn't expect, even with what I don't remember.
What I do like is the way they do the series. It's not one specific story. More of a peek in to their world. On the downside, you want a specific story and a specific resolution. There's sooo much extra stuff going on - what's the main plot supposed to be again? And is it the same main plot as the other movies or a different one?
The characters are so very complex. They're inspiring. I want to write, and I know I'm not good enough.
They continued to add characters to the story, although the ones on Magneto's side were soo very cliche. Grungy, Lots of black, lots of piercings. Magneto's a regal, dignified man. He should be able to attract a more diverse class of people than just your typical thuggish alley dwellers.
I did like Warren/Angel, though. His character was a kind of catalyst to the plot, but he wasn't on any side. He didn't get involved in the story, but was more of a cameo. (but, c'mon, production crew. That was a hokey, overly dramatic "I am what I am and I'll be what I'll be" pose and you know it.)
In the end, it's all one big ad for X-Men comics. You want to know more about the characters and what happens to them. You want wings and the ability to walk through walls. You want to know what happens next to Rogue and Raven. You want to see Daniel Cudmore cast as Captain Carrot in a Discworld movie. You want to know how in the world Kelsey Grammar could be Hank McCoy.