I woke up at 2 am. I woke up at 5 am. I woke up at 6:30 am.
I woke up at 7 am, moved my legs, and experienced not one but two painful charlie horses. Way too early to scream, too dark to be fully awake, and had no idea which leg to grab because they BOTH hurt.
Eventually I recovered, fell back asleep, woke up and finally got up, dressed, and headed out to work. I made it to the sidewalk, picked up the paper which was ALMOST not in the street, walked it back to the house, headed halfway to the car again before I realized . . . no keys. Not in the pockets, not in the hand, not in the purse, not on the ground. On the kitchen table, naturally. I DID have a cell phone, thank goodness. AND it was actually charged! Mom and Grammy were out getting groceries, apparently unaware of her cell phone ringing, or out of range. I called my boss, told her I'd be a bit late, and settled down a bit to read the paper, and try the cellphone again. I finally called my sister, who came out within twenty minutes with her key.
At work Jan had brought in her laptop, wanting me to fix it so she could send emails. (Major circular issues there!) I tried something one last time, and it worked. Shock! So I offered to go to her house and see if I could fix the problem there. (I think I was at work for a total of 25 minutes.) I fixed it there, too! Disgustingly easy fix, too. Poor Jan, it's put her through a lot of stress.
At this point, I decided it wasn't worth going back to work, and did a little shopping. When I got home, sitting on the front porch was an amazon.com box. It couldn't be mine, I had placed an order only yesterday. YESTERDAY.
It was mine. The stuff I had ordered yesterday. I'm impressed.
Now I can spend the weekend taking my CDs out of their cases. Whee!