My to do list is getting out of control.
Work Related:
*Get the Udvar-Hazy show onto a disc that will play on the broadcast decks without being horribly mangled. (I have no idea what's going wrong, and I refuse to let it air in that condition. It airs just fine on every other DVD player!)
*This may mean redoing all the wiring and connections on the editing system. I need to trace the source of whatever problem we have. And of course, everybody who built the system in the first place is too 'busy' to help me randomly guess at what's wrong.
*Edit the Herndon holiday lighting event that just took place.
*Finish (or start) the downtown Herndon promotional commercial. It's got an early December headline.
*Begin creating a Year in Review for HCTV
*May possibly have to edit the taping of the Towne Square Singers in December.
*Think about a 15 year anniversary series for the station. Shouldn't we celebrate? At the very least it will give me something to air. Look! Old shows! Here, watch these a while! *runs away*
Home Related:
*Finish Karen's Christmas present.
*Finish Cathy's Christmas present.
*Finish Unit 5 of the interior design course. This specifically involves:
*Designing a formal dining room based on information the school gave me. I get to do it from scratch with an unlimited budget. Wohoo!
*Designing a living room based on our living room. I have to design it based on Mom's budget, color choices, and furniture.
*Help Grammy tile her kitchen island. (it seems no one else will help her do it! I plan to tell her "Merry Christmas!" and pay for the tiles, grout, and adhesive.)
*Our basement refinishing project. We've gotten to painting the floor, which is nearly done. Next is walls. Putting them up, that is. It's also another room to design, and Mom keeps changing her mind!
*Grammy also wants me to help her revamp her office. On next to no budget. Yet another design project. Should be interesting.
*Christmas shopping. Oh, joy.
*Possibly start on Unit 6 of the interior design course. I had hoped to have it done by the end of the year. Since work keeps interfering with stuff I do at home, This doesn't seem likely. Perhaps the week after Christmas.
*Call the periodontist to set up an appointment. I don't want to go. I've got the dreadful feeling that this will be another embarrassing episode of me ending up on the floor. Can't people leave my mouth ALONE? Here! Pick on my leg a while!
*Stop procrastinating with the blog and get back to work.