A side effect of the braces has been that my lips have a tendency to dry out. Maybe I'm breathing funny? I don't know. All's I do know is that it's a pain, and it looks awful.
In desperation I went out and bought different kinds of lip relief products to test.
The cheap stuff obviously did nothing except to give you different flavors to taste.
Chapstick was ok, but didn't do a lot.
Blistex, about the same results. The Blistex Medex in the little blue tub did very well, but it's in a little blue tub, and is a bit awkward to apply. Besides that, I think after a few hours it kind of cakes up, and your lips look like they're peeling.
Carmex did better than chapstick, but I don't think it's for chapped lips. I remembered my sister using it during band camp, so I thought I'd try it.
My grandfather's physical therapist recommended vaseline. Plain old ordinary vaseline. They sell it in a squeezeable tube as "Lip Therapy" and its only ingredient is petroleum. (and flavoring - no comments!) It WORKS. I've been using it the past few days, and my lips are no longer cracked looking or appear to be peeling. It also lasts a long time, I've only had to apply it a few times. It even lasts overnight! The only problem is that it comes out of the tube rather thickly and is a bit hard to apply. My sister (turns out she uses it, too) recommended keeping it in your pocket and letting the heat thin it down. But it works! Now I need to go out and buy more to replace all these tubes of stuff I have lying around . . .
Only 26 and a half more months!