Anyway. Plan A was to get historic photos from the Historical Society. Make sense, right? Hehe. It's not so easy when the Society is saying either, "She's got them. No, he's got them. No, they're over there. Really!" or "Pictures? You want to use OUR pictures? You want to USE them? You want US to lend you these pictures? For use in a show? A SHOW? Umm, well. These pictures are very special. Very rare. Very difficult for us to allow out of our hands for more than two minutes. We might consider it if you agree to this list of 52 conditions and sign your name in blood. Oh, and hand over your credit card numbers and possibly your firstborn."
It's been three months of this. Possibly more. So I've started Plan B: Ask the general public.
You see, the General Public as a whole is ordinary, everyday people. People who would be delighted to see their name on television, even if it is Public Access. Particularly the older folk who would be more likely to have the types of photos I'm looking for. If I'm lucky, I may even get old film footage, or long time residents with stories to tell. What a great show THAT would be!
I have plenty of resources at hand. I have a whole television station, for one. And HCTV's official web site. Ads in the paper. Why shouldn't the General Public get involved? It's their history!
Plan C: hit the library archives.
Plan D is to take off Western Theater until some of the fans call and complain. Then beg them for help. (kidding, kidding) Plan E, grovel to the Historical Society, offer to join, give a wonderful speech about how much this show could help the Society grow, get more people involved, who knows, it could lead to a series of programs highlighting the information held by the Society!
Plan F is to fake a lot of stuff with modern day photos.
Plan G - letter to the editor. *evil grin*
The Historical Society does have quite a few events throughout the year, highlighting historical aspects of the town. In the past, they've featured local churches, Sears Homes, even a walking Ghost Tour. I think these would make GREAT shows. I'd love to be able to work with them, even if it's just a simple filming of their presentations.
We shall see.