Thursday, July 31, 2003

Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Have you seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
It's been rated Arrrrrr.
(as seen on Gene Weingarten's humor chat on the Washington Post web site)
Thursday, July 17, 2003
I always wondered where Snoopy's novel came from! "It was a dark and stormy night . . ." I think Snoopy's opening was better.
When I explained what had happened to my mom, she worried that something might have happened to her account, too, and went to check. There in her inbox was a notification that her eBay account was suspended due to her pretending to be someone else. She started to panic, but I made her scroll down to the end of the letter, where it requested you to "verify" your account by entering in account information, credit card and bank information and sending it back. "Never, ever EVER send information like that through an email. This is a scammer." I told her, and to prove it, made her log in to eBay, which she did without any problems. So again I ended up at eBay's help and security page, and reported the fake email. eBay itself states that it will never request personal information through an email. So do a lot of other companies, like Paypal. So to all y'all who are scammers - nice try.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
twice as well as men to be thought half
as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.
-Charlotte Whitton-
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19!
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
1. Don't talk to me in the morning. If I'm showered and dressed, then, I'm partially lucid, so you can come within ten feet. Otherwise don't even look me in the eye.
2. If you're going to criticize me or my work, be constructive about it. I'm open to suggestions, not to put downs. (If you're going to criticize, at least make sure you can do it better than I can!)
3. Don't give out my phone number to cute boys. Don't give my phone number out to cute girls, either. Just . . . don't give out my number. Unless I tell you otherwise, I don't date. And I certainly don't do blind dates. There's too many wierdos out there, and I attract enough as it is.
4. If I'm angry at you, go away. I won't be angry for very long, and your trying to make up then won't help.
5. If I'm sad, go away. Your sympathy just makes it worse.
6. I sing in the car. Deal with it.
7. Music attracts my attention. I can't force it into background hum. Turn it off when I'm on the phone or talking to you, otherwise I won't pay attention to you.
8. I have a short attention span.
9. I like learning new things, but I am an expert at nothing. Expect me to know a little about a lot, but not everything.
10. I can be very patient. It's an acquired art.
11. Don't knock the Muppets.
12. Don't take advantage of me. I have limits, and I have a smidgen of self respect. I've walked away before, and I am willing to do it again.
13. Don't mock my religion. I have more faith in God than I do in man.
14. I like running jokes, word plays and puns. That's a warning for you.
15. Learn to help yourself. Don't be afraid to do a little research. It's ok to ask me something twice. Five times is pushing it.
16. Every once in a while I will do something unusual. Like the henna tattoo. This is normal for me. There's no cause for concern. Don't harp on me about it. Consider it a phase. Be glad it isn't permanent.
17. I have wild mood swings. They are most likely not directly caused by you, or by anything in particular. If you don't like it, then leave me be til I get to a mood you like.
18. Beware of my stubborn streak. It's what you get when you break rule #12, or attempt to push me in a direction I don't want to go in. It isn't pretty. You will not win.
19. I can be pleasant. I can be sweet. I am not a happy person. I don't expect to be. This does not bother me. Happy people don't grow or change.
20. I am not perfect. I don't expect you to be perfect. I can be wrong at times. So can you. I will not rub it in your face. Don't rub it in mine.