It's definitely ominous.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
It's definitely ominous.
Thank you for existing. Your bright pinkness and whatever it is you do once swallowed amazes me. You make bad meal choices and small stomach bugs bearable. You're useful even when you don't even know what part of your digestive system is upset, and don't really care, you just want your body to stop the violent protests. You bring relief quickly in the night, which always seems to be when my stomach complains. I know I can depend on you in times of trouble.
Thank you for the relief. I'm only sorry we only see each other when I'm feeling blargh.
A grateful consumer
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
mollyringwraith: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, condensed, part 1 of 2
The incredible Molly Ringwraith. SPOILER ALERT! Don't click unless you've read the book.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Bad, bad news.
My grandfather died today.
I don't know how to write this. Do I write about how I remember him as a child? Or about the last 14 years, suffering from brain damage, in a wheel chair, unable to walk or speak, yet still very much aware and alive? Do I write about the wonderful strength and courage of his wife, taking care of him? Or his caring daughters and son, rearranging their lives to help out, every day, all this time? The unexpected shock of this happening when he had been doing so well, even yesterday? Do I write about the empty pain inside I now feel, the helplessness, the pat things we've been saying to each other all day to try to comfort each other? Do I write about the future, and the uncertainties, and the changes, the things that now need to be done?
I'm not sure I can write anything in detail write now. Our lives have been turned upside down - for a second time. Please pray for us.
I love you and miss you, Ditda.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Granted, this could be an opportunity to see if it will all fit in that record cabinet . . .